Friday, August 04, 2006

Thinking about Aunt Bonnie

I just read my note about Sharon passing away. I have thought of her mom quite a bit lately.

Bonnie's has Alzheimers and is getting really bad. They have to lock her in the house because she keeps getting out. When they touch her she starts screaming abuse and throwing a tantrum.

When I think of Bonnie, I think artist. She has always amazing me with her talent. It's gone now, what a waste. She had several paintings on display at the Springville Art Center. She also had and won awards at the fair. She did one painting of someone working on a quilt. In the quilt is an impression of a grandmother quilting.

Other items:
Painting an old stove, painting art on walls (can't remember the French name that you hear now) and her watercolors. I always wanted to take lessons from her. Well that opportunity has past.

I always love Uncle Johnny and Aunt Bonnie. They were both very intelligent and artisitic. Uncle Johnny read the dictionary for fun and wrote some wonderful stories about his child hood. They bought a house that had a train car in it. Really a great house.

Uncle John has passed away also. We don't know what happened to him either. The family got a plaque from the military and had it placed by his parents.

Another day . . .


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