Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I am stressing out, not good

It's hard to write when you know people might read.

Robbie has his court date this morning. He needs to get past all this so he can heal. Taken to court for expenses that he and Kathy (some Kathy after they separated) amassed. Things are going well at work (knock on wood). I need to have faith, but I wait for the shoe to drop. [Note: Robbie called. Things went well. They will settle for $700 and he can make payments to the lawyer. He was afraid he was going to jail, that's his biggest worry]

I am getting calls for bills not paid. I hate talking to them and I don't even know what I didn't pay. Will I ever get myself organized? Sometimes I think I am a lost case.

Halloween and there is lots of treats around here. My blood sugar is too high so I need to stay away from it all. Susan gave me some string cheese, it is helping. Also have nuts and raisins. I don't want symptoms, but it is hard to time that I have trouble without them. I don't want to take shots either.

I'm less stressed now that Robbie called. I can't stand when I get antsy. Still antsy, but not as much. I'm 56 I should be able to be on top of things.

I LOVE my job. I am so happy now that I am in AP. I enjoy working. Jackie is a good person to work with.

Happy Halloween

Friday, September 08, 2006


I really don't like them. Lyndy found one in the building just a few minutes ago. Charlie and Jim went down and put it in the dumpster. My skin is still crawling.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Colors in Thanksgivig

Colors in Thanksgiving
by Kathy Halcrow

Color on the mountain
chlorinated churning streams
cascading down the chiseled rocks
formed by man, not nature
neither the wet river be

emotions charged
voices blend
Russ raps
Ry percolates
Bri serenades
memorable night
under stars and moon

Youthful all
we gather to unify by
messages of joy
courage, dreams and love
bestowed from three life-time friends

hot autumn night
reality cold with moisture filled air
enveloped with blankets
warmed by song
unaware of the chill

Colors in Thanksgiving
by the churning stream
cascading down the chiseled rocks
blessing us with gifts from Thee.

Sarah and I went to a Colors concert at Thanksgiving Point. I wrote this poem about the night.

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The art of circles

I can't remember the term but it is rendering in itty bitty circles. It is popular with colored pencils (side note: graphite and colored pencils don't mix. I had to find that out by mistake) but is also used in pencil, graphite work. It is beautiful when done correctly. Both WC and Artpapa have articles on it.

While talking with Sarah on the phone before leaving the parking lot I was doodling and practicing the circles. Maybe driving and talking is dangerous, but doodling and talking can develop into mightly strange images.

I happened to draw on a page that I had written:

Layer by layer. Transparent layers showing each underlying scenes will one day - in the eternities - show a beautiful work of art. One that will explain Gods will and answers to multiple questions of why.

Here the doodles (all by itself) turned into a women with three eyes and a pair of lips on her forehead. Talk about questions of why and beauty, in my mind it seems ironic. It turned out really abstract, almost scary, but even at that I kind of like it. I may scan it. Maybe not.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


I am getting very frustrated that I can't seem to draw what I see. Decided to go back to square one and go through my books and take the art lessons on WC. It is proving to be a great resourse.

I found the adobe files of the first lessons in the drawing lesson. And I have been drawing circles with hatching and cross hatching all evening. I can see a little improvement. Right now my favorite lead is F to do hatching. I didn't even know an F pencil existed.

Opinions differ on how to hold your pencil. But the one thing that is similiar is that you draw from the elbow and shoulder, not the wrist. That is a hard habit to break.

I other thing I have played with is negative drawing. That is a little harder. I think I will be practicing lines, negative drawing and the color wheel.

I also need to remember to loosen up and have fun.

Another problem that I have is whatever the bump on my finger is aching. Too much drawing???

Next week is going to be kind of crazy. At least I have dinners under control.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Double Helix by Nancy Werlin

I enjoy reading YA fiction. They are usually quicker reading. I have noticed a disturbing tread, but I'll discuss that later.

I finished up one last night about DNA and genetic research. I found the book interesting. I will write later about the plot, etc. At the end of the book the "hero" was speaking to a professor and she was telling about a conference she had attended about genetic research. She was excited by the fact we may learn to stop Parkinson's, Huntingtons, and other genetic time bombs. Thoughts of stopping birth defects, curing the world of all its ills.

The conference had been open to the public, a young man stood up from the audience to speak. What he said was "we don't hurt anyone, we don't kill, why do you want to kill us". The young man had Down's Syndrome.

What right do the sciences feel they have to play God? It amazes me, either scientist don't know anyone who was born with disabilities or they never looked on the positive side. I am daily amazed at the things my daughter comes up with. I would be a different person (and not in a good way maybe) if she had not been in my life. Don't get me wrong all of my children have influenced me to be better and to grow, it's just I have more of a daily contact with her. And anyone who knows her will have to admit she has something special going for her.

She isn't the only one. One night at SN the weather had turned nasty. Stuart came up to me in his wheel chair, put his arm around me, kissed me on the cheek and told me to be careful driving home because the weather was so bad. People with disabilities, on the whole, have positive, good things to give to the world if only people would let them. The world would be a colder world without these special angels the God has given us.

When ever I hear a train whistle it still reminds me of childhood memories, but now it also reminds me of time spent with Christopher.

Is it progress?

It all seems so weird driving down 8th North. First lawns were getting a very dead look about them, then plywood goes up in windows of several homes. I guess you could say houses because the “home” has gone out of them. Curiosity, but with a sense of strangeness, I found the reason.

Progress is making room for a bigger, wider, can we say better road? I think that is a matter of perspective. How have these families been displaced, were they fairly compensated, those who haven’t moved will they be subject to eminent domain and lastly how can the city, state or federal government pay for all this?

It makes me wonder if it all will be worth it. People, businesses and churches will be affected. Dairy Queen has already gone the way, as it closed its doors this week. No more late night blizzards, I guess our waistlines will be thankful. The church will lose parking spaces and Stratton’s fruit stand will not open next year. It isn’t like I ever went, but it was always there, an icon to an Orem founding family.

They have started tearing down the structures this week. They first come in and tear down the trees and foliage. Next comes the heavy equipment. I usually like to watch, like little boys at a construction zone, it holds fascination for me. It doesn’t this time. I feel sad for some reason. Maybe this doesn’t feel like progress to me and I haven’t even started to think all the impact when they start building the road.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

No physicals today

Brians office called and he is sick, so we rescheduled.

Julia and I will still take a half a day and go play.

We went to Sonic. Both had Sonic Sunrise Smoothies, Julia had french toast strips and I had the sausage, egg and cheese burritos. Normal order for us. Then we went to drop books off at Provo Library. Decided to take a while and sketch a house I could see from the parking lot.

Then we went into the library. I got some more books on CD's and some books. Right now I am reading Mary, Mary by James Patterson.

After that we went home and got Robbie up so I could go to work. Glad Julia likes simple adventures.

Sometime while I was at work and she was up to her own resources, she rearranged her whole room. I mean she moved furniture, including her bed, all by herself. I like what she did, only problem is that she could have hurt her back. What a girl.