Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I have discovered the fun of others blogs. I try to visit the ones that are uplifting because you can get caught in some really weird site.

I have several bookmarked and they fall under these catagories

family (emmers who post awesome photos of my grands)
and Sarah who doesn't. I don't think she totally understands what it's all about. Can't we get just a "Colton sat up today?)

Artist that I have met on the web. I am so impressed with their art and it also helps me learn

People whose writing I enjoy

Sewing blogs

Recipe blogs

Scrapbooking blogs

The last three seem a little weird at first but why don't. A blog is just a journal on line. I try to link my favorites on my Artist page, but I may link on this one also. Of course then I couldn't find anything.

I also find myself checking in and leaving comments on a couple of Emmers friends blog, but really the only ones that I actually know.

Blog at least it is getting people writing again for the great and the bad that there is.

Just discovered one of my most favorite artist has a blog, that's right my own John. Course he doesn't have anything in it yet, but hey I guess I may have inspired him to put his art on line. See blogging is addicting.


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