Monday, August 07, 2006

Road Rage

I stopped at Chevron/McDonald's after taking Robbie to work. I pulled to a stop and realized I was witnessing "road rage". I have heard about it and I am sure I have seen it without knowing it. But today I was witnessing it. I was close to calling 911 because it was getting very heated.

The two were both out of their vehicles standing toe to toe. One was a head taller, but the shorter was postering with his chin in the air. Lots of yelling. I guess one or the other pulled in front of the other. No accident happened, but there was no understanding of a bad day, or good day, fight with spouse or children, a day dream, a momentary distraction or whatever. I was afraid they were going to come to blows. I decided to eat my breakfast and call if I saw blood. Fortunately cooler heads preveiled and they both left. One was driving a company truck. Thoughts of employees actions affecting business. But since almost everyone here has their own business, who cares right?

We have all had them, the momentary distractions of life. What is that about a soft word turnth aside . . . can't remember it. I have had my share of honks because I have frustrated someone. It makes me think of the people in the lives of those fellows today. They are sure not going to be kind to others they deal with, this and maybe other days. People who were not the cause of their frustration, but it all funneling down to a lot of bad feelings today. You know the ripple effect and not in a good way.

If they had fought it would have really soured my day, but just writing this down reminds me to try to treat others more kindly. Hey a "hi" or a smile doesn't cost me too much, now does it???


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