Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The art of circles

I can't remember the term but it is rendering in itty bitty circles. It is popular with colored pencils (side note: graphite and colored pencils don't mix. I had to find that out by mistake) but is also used in pencil, graphite work. It is beautiful when done correctly. Both WC and Artpapa have articles on it.

While talking with Sarah on the phone before leaving the parking lot I was doodling and practicing the circles. Maybe driving and talking is dangerous, but doodling and talking can develop into mightly strange images.

I happened to draw on a page that I had written:

Layer by layer. Transparent layers showing each underlying scenes will one day - in the eternities - show a beautiful work of art. One that will explain Gods will and answers to multiple questions of why.

Here the doodles (all by itself) turned into a women with three eyes and a pair of lips on her forehead. Talk about questions of why and beauty, in my mind it seems ironic. It turned out really abstract, almost scary, but even at that I kind of like it. I may scan it. Maybe not.


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