Friday, August 25, 2006

Is it progress?

It all seems so weird driving down 8th North. First lawns were getting a very dead look about them, then plywood goes up in windows of several homes. I guess you could say houses because the “home” has gone out of them. Curiosity, but with a sense of strangeness, I found the reason.

Progress is making room for a bigger, wider, can we say better road? I think that is a matter of perspective. How have these families been displaced, were they fairly compensated, those who haven’t moved will they be subject to eminent domain and lastly how can the city, state or federal government pay for all this?

It makes me wonder if it all will be worth it. People, businesses and churches will be affected. Dairy Queen has already gone the way, as it closed its doors this week. No more late night blizzards, I guess our waistlines will be thankful. The church will lose parking spaces and Stratton’s fruit stand will not open next year. It isn’t like I ever went, but it was always there, an icon to an Orem founding family.

They have started tearing down the structures this week. They first come in and tear down the trees and foliage. Next comes the heavy equipment. I usually like to watch, like little boys at a construction zone, it holds fascination for me. It doesn’t this time. I feel sad for some reason. Maybe this doesn’t feel like progress to me and I haven’t even started to think all the impact when they start building the road.


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